To keep our promis (prepare your child for life) all of our projects and activities are directed to ensure the fulfillment of this mission

About Courses

Techno my life
     software : MSword
  An important & interesting course for kids at 7 or 8 years, they learn many things about themselves ,their family and their life .It consider as a first step to their real life and things around them
They start to talk about themselves: name, age , where they live ,also they learn about clean & healthy teeth , facts about teeth ,favorite things & how to take care of it
After that they learn about clean & healthy teeth & facts about teeth
Also they learn about their families & their favorite things & how they take care of it
Talk about bets . also they know information about shapes around them

Techno Habitat
Software : internet , powerpoint , paint
Amazing course talk about animals life ,life cycles and systems, Classification, Adaptation ,Environment ,Endangered Species  & every thing about it. Farm animals , animals in hot places , in prairies , in rainforests & in cold places . they start to make search on the internet about animals and collect information about it than they design slides about habitat, appearance, food, young, and threats on the powerpoint

Techno Artist
Software : paint
Funny course deal with the kid imagination .Suitable for 4 or 5 years kid . They enjoy coloring the Black&White photos .The kids make fun of colors , learn about the shades of color , pointillism ,geometric shapes & pet portraits

Software: Kid pixe
In this course kids learn more about shapes ,colors , numbers & letters .Kids enjoy there time with shapes  & coloring 

Techno Author
Software :MSword
In this course kids write , illustrate and edit fairy tales using Microsoft word . they learn how to illustrate the action in a story by inserting cliparts after that they start to creat and illustrate there own story 

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